May 15, 2011

Spring Into Service Activity: May 18

Daybreak 3rd and 4th Wards
May 18th @ 7:00 
Bring with you: 
One set of US size 8 knitting needles (straight or double pointed) 
1 crochet hook US size 6 of H 
Yorn will be provided 
We hope to see you there! 

May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

"for her price is far above rubies...she worketh willingly with her hands...with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard...she stretcheth out her hand to the poor...strength and honor are her clothing... she openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness. she looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness" 
(proverbs 31:10)
Sister Susan b. tanner's talk, 'strengthening future mothers' says;
"a woman with a mother heart has a testimony of the restored gospel, and she teaches the principles of the gospel without equivocation. she is keeping sacred covenants made in holy temples.  her talents and skills are shared unselfishly. she gains as much education as her circumstances will allow, improving her mind and spirit with the desire to teach what she learns to the generations who follow her."
Let us remember all of the mother's in our lives today. We love you!

May 1, 2011

Homemade Summer Salsa

This is a great side to compliment a summer BBQ, and it's even great with chicken for the main course! Enjoy. 

homemade salsa:
chopped tomatoes
red, orange, yellow peppers
yellow onion
black+garbanzo beans
juice from a lime

You're Invited to the Daybreak Stake Relief Society Fireside

Women of Stature, Women of Faith

"For they…are wise and have received the truth and have taken the Holy Spirit for their guide." D&C 45:57

Sunday, May 15th

7:00 p.m.

Daybreak Stake Center Chapel

We hope to see you there!